1st Battalion 61st Infantry Regiment (MECH)

Members of the Society of the Fifth Division
(I am sure there are mistakes and omissions in this. Any help will be gratefully accepted.)
H&H Co	              A Co	           B Co	               C Co	             D Co
Aden, Howard	    Baswell, Larry	Banks, Duane	   Ajello, Kenneth	Elliott, Ray
Bellavigna, Richard Boyd, Edward	Bintz, Jerry	   Alexander, D.	Eyerly, Don
Benthimer, William  Brown, Gary	        Borysko, Adolph	   Almy, William	Master, Bernard
Berry, Preston	    Bush, Alan	        Bourg, Roy	   Anderson, R.	        Nagle, Charles
Black, Sherman	    Butler, Ed	        Cadallder, T	   Boxley, Norman	Russell, Thomas.
Bozeman, Larry	    Carter, Richard	Callahan, Ralph	   Brookshire, D.	Shields, Richard
Brookshire, D	    Chaney, Steve	DeAngelis, M	   Bumgarner, Carl	Ungemach II, F. K.
Bruner, William	    Donaldson, Craig	Dillard, Mike	   Bunger, Phillip	
Buff, Gary	    Dorris, Tom(FO)	Dlugokenski, R	   Burton,Henry	
Burnette, Mahlon    Estrada, John	Fuhrman, D	   Byrd, Robert	
Castro, Ron	    Fortunato, G.	Furman, Robert	   Claus, William	
Chadwell, Isaac	    Fox, Gary	        Gillenwater, J	   Coen, Robert	
Chapman, Gregory    Fox, Steven	        Givens, Larry	   Collier, Bill	
Clark, Vernon	    Fujikawa, Ronald	Gerkman, Anton	   Craddock, Carl	
Clay, Tommie	    Gamez, Raul	        Gray, Charles	   Davis, Lacy	
Clough, David	    Gilliam, Leo	Hoisington, D	   Dehay, Larry	
Coleman, Lonnie	    Ginty, John	        Jenkins, John	   Ebnet, David	
Collins, Ray	    Girardin, Frank	Jones, Richard	   Fenti, Daniel	
Coopey, Tom	    Gragg, Hughie	King, Robert	   Freiheit, W.	
Crall, Darrell	    Hammerschmidt, C	Korolowicz, J	   Hallwas, Richard	
Cruz, Pedro	    Henzel, Sam	        Kotula,Ronald	   Harden, Larry	
Cumer, Wayne	    Hester, Joe	        Langston, John	   Hayes, Tim	
Dailey, M.	    Hiestand, Carl	Madeo, Saverio	   Heyl, Daniel	
Davis, John	    Hills, Robin	Majer, Otto	   Hiestand, Carl	
Deal, Charles	    Hoffman, Ronald	Marcy, Robert	   Hyde, Terry	
Dury, Woodrow	    Jackson, Arlie	Marrs, George	   Jones, Roger	
Elliott, W.	    Johnson, Dean	Mathers, Danny	   Karnes, Ray	
Ethridge, Alan	    Kelley, Bo	        McGlothin, T.	   Kocan, David	
Gaerke, Kenneth	    Kidwell, James	McKinley, Bill	   Lafoon, Larry	
Garry, Charles	    Kocan, David	Miller,Michael	   Lapadula, Vincent	
Gelsthorpe, J.	    Maiorca, Mike	Modesitt, J	   Lewis, John	
Goodrich, Steve	    Maddalino, P	Moran, Thomas	   Lindeman, Donald	
Gritschke, J.	    Martin,Edwin	Oliver, James	   Lumpkin, Paul	
Gunnarson, R	    Melson, Bruce	Ouellette, R.	   Marrero, Santos	
Harrington, Richard Miller, Morris	Patukonis, Richard Martin, Charles	
Hardin, Michael	    Mulvey, Jim	        Porreca, David	   Magnett, Kenneth	
Heavner, Richard    Niehaus, R	        Reid, Billy	   Micelli, Paul	
Heyl, Daniel	    Owens, Gary	        Ritchie, Robin	   Mix,Tim	
Hill, Chris	    Peabody, C	        Rose, Richard	   Morris, Bud	
Humphreys, Doug	    Porraz, John	Ryan, Lawrence	   Moses, Dave	
Hyatt, Barnie	    Ramsey, Martin	Schembri, Joseph   Mullenix, Mike	
Jackson, James	    Raleigh, M.	        Ward, Ricky	   Murphy, Gerald	
Jelinek, Fred	    Reising, Gerald	Willig, Robert	   Mutter, Glenn	
Kieffer, John	    Robertson, Robb	Howard, Bill	   Norris, Richard	
Kolenc, David	    Roller, Hal		Hurley, Tim        Oetzel, Jim	
Krabill, Lee	    Ryan, Lawrence		           Ogawa, Alan	
Lewis, Phillip	    Sapeta, John		           Otto, David	
Maroney, James	    Severino M.		                   Palenica, Henry	
McBrearty, Will	    Shipley, John		           Parker, Jimmy	
McKendree, Wayne    Smith, Charles		           Piersig, Randy	
Melson, Bruce	    Stewart, James		           Prestegaard, D	
McLean, S.(ARC)	    Tannehill, R		           Samulak, Stan	
Moore, Garcia 	    Vogt, Raymond		           Scogin, Jack	
Moore, R.	    Whitt, Bernie		           Slockett, James	
Moore, Reynold	    Zessler, Robert		           Starr, William	
Nelson, Richard	    Pepi, Louis A			   Stickford, Loren	
Nordin, John	           				   Strange, John	
Oliver, Jerry	          				   Tucker, Thomas	
O'Neal, Jerry	    Wagner, Bud				   Villicana, Mel	
Owens, Thomas						   Warne, John	
Paradis, Gerald						   Weidman Jr, John	
Pellek, Robert						   Winfree, Dorsey	
Peters, James						   Woodruff, John	
Phillips, Mahlon				
Pittam, David				
Rigsby, Mike				
Rivera, Efraim				
Robson, John				
Roffers, Jim				
Shreve, Robert				
Sklener, Leslie				
Slockett, James				
Spencer, R.				
Sperling, M				
Spinazola, David				
Stevens, Allen D				
Stevens, Mark				
Stremer, David				
Swaren, John				
Treadwell, William				
Tremonte, Pellegrino				
Ustruck, John				
VanDolah, Charles				
Weidman, John				
Weston, Harold				
Williams, H.				
Wilson, Charles				
Wilson, Garold				
Wooden, John				
Yarbrough, James				
Youngren, Bill				




